No Shake - Mojito


A refreshing sweet and sour - sparkling drink -, which leaves you with refreshing hints of lime, a mint nose, sweet vanilla and (bitter) molasses flavors.

The CO2 level are of zealous nature and tickle the tongue. This makes two mentionable notes: 1. This makes the cocktail easier to drink; 2. The alcohol is imbued faster into the bloodstream.

Available at


Chrysantenstraat 4

1031 HT Amsterdam

Thirsty Solutions

Rijpstraat 135

1056 XN Amsterdam

Hopefully soon nearby you

(Food) Pairings




Thirsty Solutions

"Use of drink to match your appetizer. We suggest fresh or "soft" flavors (for example salads with corn, avocado or salmon).

The freshness of the Mojito matches most salads with vinegar, but could function as a contrasting flavor to the actual dish.

We found that the NoShake Mojito matches salty flavors in general beautifully (even when added to the drink).

Add lime on the side for optional extra acidity."




  • No shaking this cocktail
  • Best results by serving cold
  • Pour into a tall glass over ice
  • The cocktail can easily be shared (2 serves)
  • This cocktail contains no dairy products, nor gluten
  • This cocktail uses Citric Acid as a preservative